Raytown High Schooo Class of 1969  
Class of 1969  


Reminisce about our school days gone by. Share your memorable accounts – your experiences, incidents, favorite stories – and we'll post them on the site. If you have photos, please include them.

Email memorable accounts as text files (Microsoft Word, txt, or pdf) and photos (jpeg, tiff, eps, psd, pdf), to webmaster@raytownclassof69.com.


Memory #1 - (2009)
One day in 1969 before Mr. Wiley, our physics teacher, appeared in class, a laboratory experiment to test an inclined plane had been hatched. To protect the innocent, no names will be mentioned!

An inclined plane (a board) was placed in the suspended ceiling above Mr. Wiley’s desk. A balloon bulgingly full of water was gingerly place atop the board. A string was attached to the board and run through the ceiling to the back of the room where it was dropped into the room within easy reach. Another string was attached to the edge of the ceiling tile facing the front of the inclined plane. It too was run to the back of the room. Based on a set of coded gestures, upon Mr. Wiley’s sitting at his desk, the first tile was to be pulled open. Once open, the other string was to be pulled so that the inclined plane would incline to just the point that the water balloon would roll down it, through the opening, and downward, pulled by the incessant force of gravity onto Mr. Wiley’s head! Soon Mr. Wiley entered the room filled of nervously silent students. There was tension in the air. Mr. Wiley sat down and the signal was given. The first ceiling tile slowly opened… but it made a slight noise (or a student did). We had not taken into account the acoustic sounds of a moving acoustic tile! As the inclined plane holding the balloon began to move, Mr. Wiley looked up toward the opening in the ceiling just in time to see that something out of the ordinary was happening. Maybe out of suspicion of his faithful class, or perhaps just due to the “creak”, he quickly jumped back as the balloon struck precisely where he had been sitting just a few moments earlier. Spray still managed to reach Mr. Wiley as well as a few of students in the front row! All’s well that ends well. Mr. Wiley took our prank as a clever experiment and no punishment was meted out… such as an inclined plane to
the posterior.

Those involved will remain anonymous!


 Mr. Wiley was my favorite male teacher in 1969. Miss Swickhammer, Advanced Math Topics, was my favorite female teacher. Bit of a lust factor there. Did you know she wore lace underwear? Lynn Richardson


Memory # 2 - (12-9-09)
We were studying wave propagation, having done the water wave tank thingy. The next thing (I hope I'm getting this in the right order ) was to see how waves propagated and reflected in another medium.

Mr. Wiley used slinky toys strung together and stretched out down the middle of the second floor hallway. One group of boys was to drag one end to the south, the rest of us stayed at the north end. When the uber-long slinky assembly was laying on the floor, the end-holder, Layton Yates as I recall, was instructed to swing his end sharply to the side and back again. Sure enough, we could see the wave of motion zoom along the slinky, arriving at the far end then reflected back, now on the other side of the slinky coming towards us. Phase reversal! Woot! Just like in the book.

Then Mr. Wiley had a slinky junior added to the far end, it was much lighter weight and smaller. Layton was told to do the wave again and off it zoomed, but when it got to the Slinky Jr section, part of the wave reflected back from there while part passed through the Jr and went to the end. The reflected part from the junction was on the same side and much smaller in magnitude. Just like the book said would happen. Wonderful.

I think we'd used up most of the hour and Mr. Wiley was distracted with something. That's when Layton looked up and grinned… and let go of his end of the super long slinky!

That thing took off like a rocket. It got about halfway down the hallway when the guys at the far end noticed, yelled and let go their end then dived for the stairwell and it's hopeful safety. Well, that compound slinky had both ends meet about three quarters of the way and the whole thing coiled up like a knot of garter snakes in springtime. The entire mess piled up underneath the radiator at the south end. And of course, every classroom along the hall had kids piling out to see what happened. Mr. Wiley was flabbergasted. I expect he had a lot of explaining to do.

He never did get that slinky chain untangled. It just sat in a box in the equipment closet the rest of the year.

In fond remembrance of 1969 and Mr. Wiley,
Lynn Richardson





School Songs